While applying for a prepaid credit card, you should always look for a major brand like Visa or Master Card lest it should not be accepted everywhere. Your card should be one that can build credit for you. If your card can build your credit it can possibly lower your interest rates in future. As you are using your own money, an ideal prepaid credit cards for you would be one without any monthly or annual fee.
They are growing in popularity aren't they? I applied for an APS CashPlus MasterCard a few months ago and then added the credit builder option on to it, to help build up my credit rating. Definitely worth applying as money management is so much better when you know you can only use what you top the card up with. They also look very smart!
ReplyDeleteSomething I'm unclear about - do any of these cards offer the feature of people able to have money loaded onto them electronically online?
ReplyDeleteWhich Prepaid Card